Money Lobang

Armoury Steaks Buffet Promotion

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Last updated on 2024-06-28

Armoury Steaks Buffet Promotion Review

Pros Pros

Great prices for all meat lovers

Cons Cons

Quality of food for buffet not as satisfactory compared to normally

Promotions Armoury Steaks Buffet Promotion Terms and Conditions


Enjoy Steak Buffet at $35 per pax at Armoury Steaks on Mondays, Tuesdays, Weekends, Public Holidays lunch, and dinner

90mins eating time


Free flow items include Ribeye Steak, Sirloin Steak, Grilled Pork Belly, Grilled Shabu Beef, Fried Popcorn Chicken, Fried Chicken Thigh, Oven Baked Dory, Chicken Satay, Mantou, Tater Tots, Fries, Onion Rings, Greens, Corn, Greens, etc

Armoury Steaks is at #11-03 Orchard Central


Pro Tip : Make your reservation in advance due to limited seating available.

Valid until further notice


Click here to go to Armoury Steaks website for more details

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Armoury Steaks Buffet Promotion Review

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