Money Lobang

Citi Clear Card

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Rating: 4 Stars4.0/5.0 (2 Reviews)
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Last updated on 2022-12-26

Citi Clear Card Review

Pros Pros

Credit limit to avoid overspending

Cons Cons


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Credit Card Details Citi Clear Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : For tertiary students or $18,000 p.a. and above

Annual Card Fee : $28 plus GST (Waived for first year)


Credit Card Rewards Citi Clear Card Mileage Earn Rate

Earn 0.4 air miles (or 1X Citi ThankYou Points) on all spend


Credit Limit Citi Clear Card Credit Limit

$500 credit limit a month


Petrol Stations Benefits Citi Clear Card Petrol Stations Benefits

Enjoy up to 15.9% savings (14% onsite + up to 1.8% Smiles points) at Esso + 0.4 mile per $1 spend

Enjoy 15.2% savings on Shell fuel with the cashback (14% onsite + 1.2% GO+ points) at Shell + 0.4 mile per $1 spend


No minimum spend Citi Clear Card Minimum Spend

No minimum spend required to enjoy card benefits


Click here to go to Citibank website for more details

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2 Reviews
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4.0/5.0 (2)
4.0/5.0 (2)

Citi Clear Card Review

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