Money Lobang

Bank of China Multi-Currency Savings Account

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Rating: 4 Stars4.5/5.0 (2 Reviews)
Interest RateUp to 7.00% Image
Min. Deposit $200 Image

Last updated on 2023-01-03

Bank of China Multi-Currency Savings Account Review

Pros Pros

High interest rate if tie up with Bank of China SmartSaver Savings Plan

Cons Cons

Bonus interest rates subjected to credit salary, pay bills and BOC Credit Cards spend

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Deposit Details Bank of China Multi-Currency Savings Account Interest Rates

Statement-based consolidated account covering both local currency and nine foreign currencies

An initial deposit of S$200 is required with $3 charged if the monthly average balance in the SGD sub-account is less than $200

Comes with ATM Card, BOC Internet Banking and Telephone Banking services

Option to enjoy up to 7.00% p.a. with Bank of China SmartSaver Savings Plan


Click here to go to Bank of China website for more details

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Bank of China Multi-Currency Savings Account Review

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