Money Lobang

Bank of China Sheng Siong Card

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Rating: 0 Star0.0/5.0 (0 Reviews)
Groceries 6% Attribute
Travel Rebate 1.5% Attribute
Min Spend $0 Image
Everyday Rebate 1.5% Image

Last updated on 2022-12-26

Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Review

Pros Pros

High rebate for groceries

No min. spend to qualify for 6% Sheng Siong rebate

Cons Cons

Low rebate for overseas spend

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Credit Card Details Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : $30,000 p.a.

Annual Card Fee : $30 plus GST (Waived for first year)

Supplementary Cards : $15 plus GST (Waived for first year)


Groceries Shopping Benefits Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Groceries Shopping Benefits

Receive 6% cash rebate on spend at Sheng Siong capped at $45 per billing cycle with no minimum spend


Travel Benefits Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Travel Benefits

Earn 1.5% cash rebate on overseas spending with no cap no minimum spend required


Cashback and Conditions Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Everyday Casback

Receive 1.5% cash rebate for all other spending with no cap no minimum spend required


Click here to go to Bank of China website for more details

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Bank of China Sheng Siong Card Review

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