Money Lobang

Bank of China ZaoBao Card

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Bills RebateUp to 10% Attribute
Dining Rebate 5% Attribute
Everyday Rebate 1.5% Image
Min SpendFrom $400 Image

Last updated on 2022-12-26

Bank of China ZaoBao Card Review

Pros Pros

High rebate for SPH newspapers subscriptions

Decent 1.5% rebate for all spend

Cons Cons

UnionPay cards still not widely accepted in Singapore

Min. spend of $400 to qualify for SPH and dining rebate

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Credit Card Details Bank of China ZaoBao Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : $30,000 p.a.

Annual Card Fee : $190 plus GST (Waived for first 2 years)

Supplementary Cards : $95 plus GST (Waived for first 2 years)

Choice to make payments in RMB and/or SGD.


Credit Card Rewards Bank of China ZaoBao Card Mileage Earn Rate

0.167 air mile (or 1X Reward Points) on local spend


Bill Benefits Bank of China ZaoBao Card Recurring Bills Benefits

Receive 10% cash rebate on all Zaobao and SPH newspaper subscriptions


Dining Benefits Bank of China ZaoBao Card Dining Benefits

Receive 5% cash rebate on everyday Dining


Travel Benefits Bank of China ZaoBao Card Travel Benefits

Receive 5% cash rebate on overseas spending in China

0.33 air mile (or 2X Reward Points) on overseas spend

Enjoy a waiver of currency exchange fees for all retail transactions in RMB


Everyday Cashback Bank of China ZaoBao Card Everyday Cashback

Receive unlimited bonus 1.5% cash rebate for all local and overseas retail spend with no minimujm spend


Cashback and Conditions Bank of China ZaoBao Card Cash Rebates and Conditions

Cash rebate is subject to minimum total spend of above $400 and capped at $30 monthly for Zaobao & SPH newspaper subscriptions and dining spend


Click here to go to Bank of China website for more details

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Bank of China ZaoBao Card Review

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