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Last updated on 2023-07-31

CIMB AWSM Card Review

Pros Pros

No min. spend to qualify for cashback

Students and NSFs are eligible

Cons Cons

Low cashback rate

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Credit Card Details CIMB AWSM Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : Students or NSFs have no income requirement

Annual income of $18,000 for age below 35

Annual income of $30,000 for age 35 and above:

Annual Card Fee : Complimentary lifetime membership


Online Shopping Benefits CIMB AWSM Card Online Shopping Benefits

1% cashback on shopping websites selling apparels, accessories, shoes, bags and electronics as their main business activity


Entertainment Benefits CIMB AWSM Card Entertainment Benefits

1% cashback on Entertainment such as bars and taverns, lounges and nightclubs


Dining Benefits CIMB AWSM Card Dining Benefits

1% cashback on Dining such as restaurants and cafes, including fast food restaurants


Telco Bills Benefits CIMB AWSM Card Telco BIlls Benefits

1% cashback on payments made to Telco companies


No minimum spend CIMB AWSM Card Minimum Spend

No minimum spend required to enjoy card benefits


Click here to go to CIMB website for more details

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CIMB AWSM Card Review

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