Money Lobang

HL Bank iSavings Account

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Rating: 0 Star0.0/5.0 (0 Reviews)
Interest Rate 3.28% Attribute
Min. Deposit $5,000 Attribute

Last updated on 2023-07-01

HL Bank iSavings Account Review

Pros Pros

Decent interest rates for savings account

Low minimum deposit

Online savings account interest rate with no requirements

Cons Cons

Interest rates only applicable for fresh funds during promotional period

Foreign Bank with limited branches

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Deposit Details HL Bank iSavings Account Interest Rates

  Interest Effective Interest
First $20k 0.88% p.a. 0.88% p.a.
Next $30k 0.88% p.a. 0.88% p.a.
Next $150k 3.28% p.a. Up to 2.68% p.a.
Next $800k 3.28% p.a. Up to 3.16% p.a.
Above $1m 3.28% p.a. Up to 3.28% p.a.


Earn up to 3.28% p.a. without fixed deposit commitments

Deposit amount made in relation to the promotion must be in Fresh Funds

Easy internet banking login and transactions can be tracked online conveniently

Low initial deposit of $5,000

$5 monthly service fee; waived with a minimum average daily balance of $5,000

No lock-in period unlike fixed deposits


Click here to go to HL Bank's website for more details


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HL Bank iSavings Account Review

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