Money Lobang

HSBC Premier or Advance Account

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Interest RateUp to 0.10% Image
Min. Deposit $3,000 Image

Last updated on 2021-05-19

HSBC Premier or Advance Account Review

Pros Pros

High cashback of up to 3.5% on everything with the HSBC Advance Credit Card

Cons Cons

Low 0.01% to 0.10% p.a. base interest rate

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Deposit Details HSBC Premier Account or Advance Account Interest Rates

Minimum balance fee of $7.50 if average daily balance falls below $3,000

To qualify for HSBC Premier customer, a minimum of S$200,000 or US$150,000 in Total Relationship Balance is required

HSBC Advance customer will have their monthly service charge of $10 waived with a minimum of S$30,000 in Total Relationship Balance

Base interest rate of 0.01% p.a. for HSBC Advance accounts

Base interest rate from 0.01% to 0.07% p.a. for HSBC Premier accounts

Base interest rate from 0.01% to 0.10% p.a. for HSBC Jade accounts

Sign up for HSBC Advance Credit Card to enjoy up to 3.5% Cash Back on everything


Click here to go to HSBC website for more details

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HSBC Premier or Advance Account Review

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