Money Lobang

OCBC Platinum Credit Card

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Rewards 0.4 miles/$1Attribute
Petrol SavingsUp to 24.1% Attribute
Min Spend $0 Image

Last updated on 2022-12-26

OCBC Platinum Credit Card Review

Pros Pros

High savings at Sinopec

Cons Cons

No particular attractive benefits

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Credit Card Details OCBC Platinum Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : $30,000 p.a.

Annual Card Fee : $150 plus GST (Waived for 2 years)

Supplementary Cards : $75 plus GST


Credit Card Rewards OCBC Platinum Card Mileage Earn Rate

Earn 0.4 mile or (1X OCBC$) for every dollar spent


Petrol Stations Benefits OCBC Platinum Card Petrol Stations Benefits

16.6% savings at Caltex (16% on CaltexGo App + 0.6% LinkPoints) + 0.4 mile per $1 spend

Up to 15.8% savings at Esso (14% onsite + up to 1.8% Smiles Points) + 0.4 mile per $1 spend

24.1% savings at Sinopec (23% onsite + 1.1% X Points) + 0.4 mile per $1 spend


No minimum spend OCBC Platinum Card Minimum Spend

No minimum spend required to enjoy card benefits


Click here to go to OCBC website for more details

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OCBC Platinum Credit Card Review

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