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Singapura Finance Vivid Savings Account

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Interest RateUp to 1.88% Image
Min. Deposit $500 Image

Last updated on 2023-10-31

Singapura Finance Vivid Savings Account Review

Pros Pros

High interest rate for savings account

No conditions to fulfill

Cons Cons

Only deposits below $50k qualify for higher interest rate

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Deposit Details Singapura Finance Vivid Account Interest Rates

<$10k 1.28% p.a.
$10k to <$50k 1.88% p.a.
$50k & Above 0.25% p.a.


Earn up to 1.88% p.a. interest with Singapura Finance Vivid Savings Account with no multiple qualifying conditions

Online application and deposit

Manage account via Vivid e-Wallet App

Initial amount of $500 to open account

Minimum monthly average balance of $200

Comes with Vivid Prepaid Mastercard with no requirements for minimum income

Instantly transfer money from card to Vivid e-Wallet app reducing chances of fraud and loss


Click here to go to Singapura Finance Vivid account's website for more details


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Singapura Finance Vivid Savings Account Review

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