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Standard Chartered NUS Alumni Platinum Credit Card

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Rewards 0.29 mile/$1Attribute
Min Spend $0 Image

Last updated on 2024-04-01

Standard Chartered NUS Alumni Platinum Credit Card Review

Pros Pros


Cons Cons

No particular attractive benefits

Sponsored Links

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Credit Card Details Stan Chart NUS Alumni Card Annual Fees

Eligibility : $30,000 p.a.

Annual Card Fee : $180 plus GST (Waived for 2 years)

Supplementary Cards : 5 free-for-life supplementary cards

24 hour concierge to help you with travel arrangements, reservations, shopping and gift services


Credit Card Rewards Stan Chart NUS Alumni Card Mileage Earn Rate

Earn 0.29 mile per $1 spend on all spend (or 1X Rewards Points)


Petrol Stations Benefits Stan Chart NUS Alumni Card Petrol Stations Benefits

Enjoy up to 16.5% savings for Caltex Platinum 98 fuel (16% on site + 0.5% LinkPoints) + + 0.29 mile per $1 spend

Enjoy up to 16.6% savings for other Caltex fuel (16% on CaltexGO App + 0.6% LinkPoints) + + 0.29 mile per $1 spend


No minimum spend Stan Chart NUS Alumni Card Minimum Spend

No minimum spend required to enjoy card benefits (Excluding Caltex privileges)


Click here to go to Standard Chartered website for more details

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Standard Chartered NUS Alumni Platinum Credit Card Review

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