Money Lobang

UOB Stash Account

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Interest RateUp to 3.005% Attribute
Min. Deposit $10,000 Attribute

Last updated on 2024-07-01

UOB Stash Account Review

Pros Pros

High savings account interest rate for above $10,000 savings

Cons Cons

Need to maintain or increase minimum monthly balance

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Deposit Details UOB Stash Account Interest Rates

First $10k 0.05% p.a.
Next $30k 2.00% p.a.
Next $30k 3.00% p.a.
Next $30k 5.00% p.a.
Above $100k 0.05% p.a.


Earn up to 5.00% p.a. interest on your Monthly Average Balance (MAB) when you maintain or increase your MAB compared to the previous month AND maintain a minimum MAB of $10,000

Maximum effective interest (EIR) on the UOB Stash Account is 3.05% p.a. ($100k deposit)

Deposits in excess of $100k will 0.05% p.a. interest

Initial amount of $1,000 to open account

Fall-below fee of $2 per month (below $1,000 balance)

UOB One Debit Mastercard which awards up to 3% rebate at Cold Storage, Giant, Guardian, 7-Eleven, Grab


Promotions UOB Stash Account Promotions

New UOB Deposit customers can apply for a 2 eligible UOB savings account online, deposit minimum $3,000 Fresh Funds within the account opening month into each account and hold it till the end of the following calendar month to earn $120 cash (Until 31 Aug 2024)

Credit your salary to the account to earn $80 cash. Register here and credit your salary (min. $1,600) via GIRO within 2 calendar months from the date of submission of the participation form (Until 30 Sep 2024)

Credit your CDP dividends to the account to earn $50 cash. Register here and credit your CDP dividends of min. $50 into your new UOB savings account via Direct Credit Service within the next 6 calendar months from the date of submission of the participation form (Until 30 Sep 2024)

Perform a bill payment to the account to earn $30 cash. Register here and perform a bill payment of min. $30 per transaction from your new UOB savings account via GIRO within 2 calendar months from the date of submission of the online participation form (Until 30 Sep 2024)


Click here to go to UOB website for more details

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UOB Stash Account Review

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