Last updated on 2021-05-21
Low minimum income requirement
High interest rate for credit line
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Enjoy effective interest rate of 19.80% p.a. (Interest rate of 1.65% per month) if your annual income is $30,000 and above
Enjoy effective interest rate of 28.55% p.a. (Interest rate of 2.38% per month) if your annual income is $20,000 to $29,999
Max loan of up to 4 times your monthly income
Annual fees of $60/year (Waived for first 2 years)
Pay 3% of the monthly balance outstanding, plus any outstanding Minimum Payment Sum or S$50, whichever is greater
Enjoy 0% interest rate for 3 or 6 months MoneyPlus Fund Transfer which bring you up to 75% savings
Click here to go to Bank of China website for more details