Money Lobang

HSBC Personal Line of Credit

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Interest RateFrom 12.00% Attribute
Min. Income $30,000 Attribute

Last updated on 2023-01-01

HSBC Personal Line of Credit Review

Pros Pros

Existing customers enjoy lower interest rates

Cons Cons

Lowest interest rates only for Premier customers

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Personal Loan Details HSBC Credit Line Interest Rates

Credit limit of up to $200,000 or 6x your monthly income with effective interest rate of 20.90% p.a.

Annual fee of $60/year (Waived for first year)

Get access to cash with your Personal Line of Credit cheque book and debit card

Pay only when you use, and only the min payment of $15 or 3% of monthly balance whichever is higher

HSBC Premier customers enjoy effective interest rate of 12.00% p.a. with annual fees waived perpetually while HSBC Personal Banking customers enjoy effective interest rate of 20.90% p.a.

Existing customers can apply for HSBC Personal Line of Credit Fund Transfer to get cash from low effective interest rate of 3.26% p.a. for 6 months or 4.88% p.a. for 12 months


Click here to go to HSBC website for more details

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HSBC Personal Line of Credit Review

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