Money Lobang

UOB Fixed Rate Home Loan

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Rating: 4 Stars4.0/5.0 (2 Reviews)
3 yrs Ave. Rate 3.73% Attribute
Min. Loan $500,000 Attribute

Last updated on 2024-05-24

UOB Fixed Rate Home Loan Review

Pros Pros

Fixed interest rates of for 1st 2 years

Legal fees subsidy for refinancing

Cons Cons

Subject to fluctuations in 3m SORA rate after 2 years

2 years lock-in period

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Property Loan Details UOB Property Loan Fixed Rates

  Interest Rate^
1st year 3.25% p.a.
2nd year 3.25% p.a.
3rd year 3m SORA + 1.00% p.a.
Thereafter 3m SORA + 1.00% p.a.
3 years average 3.73% p.a.


^ Interest Rate based on latest 3 Month SORA and assuming it stays the same for first three years


Legal fee subsidy of 0.40% of loan capped at $1,800 for private housing and $1,500 for HDB for re-financing only

Rates indicated are fixed and guaranteed for 2 years

Protects you from rate fluctuations for the first 2 years

At the end of the fixed rate period, interest rates will be based on 3-month SORA to calculate thereafter interest rates

Minimum loan amount of $500,000

2 years Lock-In period

1x Free Conversion after 24 months from 1st disbursement

Flexibility to sell property during lock-in period

New/re-financing owners are eligible


Promotions UOB Property Loan Promotions

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UOB Fixed Rate Home Loan Review

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